
Over the years, I have created and collected lots of cool computer stuff that I want to share with family and friends.  This page will eventually house all that junk, as well as other things that we want to put on our Web site but that don't need their own section or page.

About our site

TheGrobes.com is a database-driven dynamic site programmed by Sean in ASP .NET. The public site uses a single Web page to provide all page content, which is pulled from the back-end database when a link is clicked.  User-friendly URLs are generated using Microsoft's URLRewrite 2.0.

To add new pages or edit existing content, we use the back-end Content Management System (CMS), which allows us to add all page content including text, images, IFrames, etc.  The CMS also allows us to designate where the page resides on the site and the order it appears in any navigation menus. The navigation menus are dynamically generated when the page loads, so any new pages appear as soon as they are saved to the database. We use CKEditor to provide rich text editing capability (for an example, see the Contact Us page).  Editor menus are customized based on the features we want available.  For example, the editor on the Contact Us page uses a basic menu that allows text formatting and the addition of hyperlinks, but none of the more advanced features CKEditor offers.

Applications like the Recipe Database, photo gallery, and Metric Conversion Calculator are added to pages using IFrames.  With the exception of the photo gallery, which is a free PHP application called Simple Picture Gallery Manager, all applications on the site were created by Sean or Anju.

The template was designed by Sean. The site is built using the Responsive Grid System (http://www.responsivegridsystem.com/), which is a free set of CSS files for creating responsive Web sites and pages. The menu was found on the web too, and I will add a link when I am at home.