Grobe Recipes

Sean's BBQ Chicken Drumsticks

Provided By: Sean
Source: Sean
Style: American
Type: Main

Serveing Size:

  • 1 package (5 count) chicken drumsticks
  • 1/3 to 1/2 bottle BBQ sauce (I prefer Stubbs )
  • Salt and Pepper (to taste)

  1. Start the coals.  When they are ready, spread them evenly over 1/2 of the grill, leaving the other half empty (indirect cooking)
  2. Rinse the drumsticks in cold water and pat dry
  3. Sprinkle drumsticks with salt and pepper
  4. Place drumsticks directly over the coals for 4 minutes, then turn and leave another 4 minutes
  5. Move to side without coals and coat with BBQ sauce
  6. Cook for 45 minutes, turning regularly and applying more sauce as they cook.  Depending on how hot the coals are, you may need to turn them front to back as well to keep one side from being overcooked.


Dry-rub variation:

Instead of salt and pepper, coat with 1.5 to 2 tbsp of Juanita's Dry Rub. Do not sear or coat with BBQ sauce.  Cook for about 45 minutes over indirect heat, turning regularly. 

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